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Openmp For Mac

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  1. Openmp For Mac
  2. Openmp Mac Cmake
  3. Openmp Clang
  4. Openmp For Mac Download
  5. Openmp Mac Brew
Warning! Everything described on this page is strictly experimental and not officially supported by CRAN, R-core or R Foundation. In may break at any time. The information is provided in the hope of being useful to some tech-savvy people. It is not intended for the regular R user.

For those impatient, skip to how to enable OpenMP in packages.

Collection of tools and information for scientific computation on Mac OS X including Fortran (g77, g95, HPF), MPI, OpenMP, Cactus, Globus, and RNPL among others. Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.1 Developer Guide and Reference. Developer Guide and Reference. Version: 19.1 Last Updated: Public Content Download as PDF. Building OpenMP code is actually possible using Apple Clang that comes default with macOS's Xcode! Although Apple does not build the OpenMP library, the compiler still supports it. In this post, I demonstrate the procedure necessary to include OpenMP in your build, both with the new support in CMake 3.12, as well as how it would be done without it.

OpenMP support in Xcode

Apple has explicitly disabled OpenMP support in compilers that they ship in Xcode: even though clang had OpenMP support for quite a long time now (great thanks to the folks at Intel providing their library as open source!). In fact, the clang compiler in Xcode can generate all the necessary code for OpenMP. It can be tricked into performing its designed function by using -Xclang -fopenmp flags.

The unfortunate part about this is that Apple is not shipping the necesssary libomp.dylib run-time library needed for OpenMP support. To make things worse, the version of the library you need depends on the clang version used, which Apple obfuscates so that it's non-trivial to reverse-engineer it. Fortunately, some clever folks were able to find the traces in Apple's released source so we can build the binaries that correspond to the clang version used. It is sometimes possible to use a more recent version of the runtime than the version of Apple clang.

OpenMP run-time downloads

The follwing are links to libomp OpenMP run-time built from official LLVM release sources using Xcode compilers. They are signed and support macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and higher. All tar-balls contain the system tree usr/local/lib and usr/local/include so the recommended installation is: The contained set of files is the same in all tar balls: so you can simply remove those to uninstall. Note that any package you compile against libomp.dylib will need that run-time so you have to ship it with your package or have users install it.
Openmp For Mac
BuildDownloadSHA1 checksum
LLVM 10.0.0
Xcode 12+
openmp-10.0.0-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-10.0.0-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)
LLVM 9.0.1
Xcode 11.4 and up (Apple clang 1103.x)
openmp-9.0.1-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-9.0.1-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)
LLVM 8.0.1
Xcode 11.0-11.3.1 (Apple clang 1100.x)
openmp-8.0.1-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-8.0.1-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)
LLVM 7.1.0
Xcode 10.2-10.3 (Apple clang 1001.x)
openmp-7.1.0-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-7.1.0-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)

How to enable OpenMP in packages

  • Download the libomp run-time corresponding to the Xcode version you use from the links above
  • add -Xclang -fopenmp to CPPFLAGS, add -lomp to LIBS
How you do the latter depends on the package, but if the package does not set these environment variables itself, you can try If that doesn't work, please consult the package's documentation, and liaise with its maintainer. It is also possible to add those flags globally by adding the following to ~/.R/Makevars: but be very careful when doing this, always check your
Openmp For Mac
~/.R/Makevars whenever you upgrade R, macOS or Xcode.

Side notes

It may be possible in principle to build static version of the run-time. That can be done via -DLIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED=OFF, but has not been tested. There is a potential for chaos when more OMP run-times get loaded into one process. Another interesting test would be to try -DLIBOMP_FORTRAN_MODULES=ON and see which versions are compatible with the GNU Fortran used in R. We are intentionally removing the gomp symlink from the binary so that

Openmp For Mac

iomp and gomp don't conflict.

License and sources

Openmp Mac Cmake

All sources were obtained directly from the LLVM releases and copies are also available in the src directory (including the build script). See

Openmp Clang

LICENSE.txt in the sources for the corresponding license and for details on the OpenMP run-time.


Openmp For Mac
Thanks to John Clayden, Kevin Ushey and others who contributed to the discussion and testing.

Trademark notices

Openmp For Mac Download

  • The OpenMP name and the OpenMP logo are registered trademarks of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board.
  • Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  • Apple, Xcode and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Openmp For Mac
BuildDownloadSHA1 checksum
LLVM 10.0.0
Xcode 12+
openmp-10.0.0-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-10.0.0-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)
LLVM 9.0.1
Xcode 11.4 and up (Apple clang 1103.x)
openmp-9.0.1-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-9.0.1-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)
LLVM 8.0.1
Xcode 11.0-11.3.1 (Apple clang 1100.x)
openmp-8.0.1-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-8.0.1-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)
LLVM 7.1.0
Xcode 10.2-10.3 (Apple clang 1001.x)
openmp-7.1.0-darwin17-Release.tar.gz (Release)
openmp-7.1.0-darwin17-Debug.tar.gz (Debug)

How to enable OpenMP in packages

  • Download the libomp run-time corresponding to the Xcode version you use from the links above
  • add -Xclang -fopenmp to CPPFLAGS, add -lomp to LIBS
How you do the latter depends on the package, but if the package does not set these environment variables itself, you can try If that doesn't work, please consult the package's documentation, and liaise with its maintainer. It is also possible to add those flags globally by adding the following to ~/.R/Makevars: but be very careful when doing this, always check your ~/.R/Makevars whenever you upgrade R, macOS or Xcode.

Side notes

It may be possible in principle to build static version of the run-time. That can be done via -DLIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED=OFF, but has not been tested. There is a potential for chaos when more OMP run-times get loaded into one process. Another interesting test would be to try -DLIBOMP_FORTRAN_MODULES=ON and see which versions are compatible with the GNU Fortran used in R. We are intentionally removing the gomp symlink from the binary so that

Openmp For Mac

iomp and gomp don't conflict.

License and sources

Openmp Mac Cmake

All sources were obtained directly from the LLVM releases and copies are also available in the src directory (including the build script). See

Openmp Clang

LICENSE.txt in the sources for the corresponding license and for details on the OpenMP run-time.


Thanks to John Clayden, Kevin Ushey and others who contributed to the discussion and testing.

Trademark notices

Openmp For Mac Download

  • The OpenMP name and the OpenMP logo are registered trademarks of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board.
  • Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  • Apple, Xcode and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Openmp Mac Brew

Last modified on 2020/05/01 by Simon Urbanek

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